Ok, I think we need a montage... progress as follows...
"iBeds" now 100% complete:
Bought stuff:
Bought more stuff:
A bookcase hidey-hole. So jealous of this...
The water-fountain. Sans water, but you get the idea:
Behold the amazing Window Defender (isn't he clever):
More my level of assembly... the tower:
The intimidatingly fast-growing Cat Grass (no really, it's like Day of the Triffids in here):
We even found time to paint our kitchen this rather fetching shade of peacock blue. Gorgeous!
In other news, I have finally ordered a new camera, so hopefully this will be the last batch of shockingly bad photos. From now on, they'll just be fairly bad instead.
wowsers.. you two have been busy.. love then iBeds, also jealous of the book shelf and am lovin the peacock blue kitchen.. eeeeee can't believe they arrive so soon! x x x
ReplyDeleteSam, in the nicest possible way, you really are the consternate geek!
ReplyDeleteNot that I can say anything having seriously considered getting bunny harnesses to take the rabbits for 'walks' in the woods, or the extensive amount of toys, play pens and treats I've splurged on Dusk and Dawn. And let's not mention the 150L tropical fish tank I set-up then whiled away the evenings wistfully gurning innately at the epic drama playing out every time Plecko and Crabby scrapped over the coveted prime perching spot, situated on top of a long piece of Bog wood...
May I just say, it looks as though your kittens are gonna be thoroughly spoilt (not at all surprised!!)
The IBeds are a pure stroke of genius, the water fall- I actually looked to get one for my Tarot teacher (for her cat!!) once upon a time.
When they're older you might want to consider treating them to organic cat nip- which will make them love you furrrr-ever...
Somewhat confused by the hairy creature hiding in the bottom of the Tower (I thought the kittens were your first pets!?)
I'm pleased that you've thought about the kittens nutrient requirements; but quite perturbed that they might be afraid of the girl from the exorcist hiding behind the grass pulling a face in the picture- not to mention the scruffy looking peeping-tom looking over the top...!
I can't help but notice there wasn't a litter box, you may want to get one of those :-p But was encouraged to see you 'cat-ered' for their personal consumer electronics by choosing the only bookcase hidey-hole with plug fittings(hope they don't scent mark them!!)
Love the kitchen, in fact we got a very similar set of cabinets ourselves from Ikea not far off a year ago, though we went for 1in square black tiles on white grout for our splash back and brushed stainless steel extractor over an induction hob…
Aww, thanks. Just hope they don't do a Dave on us and disappear down any pipes!! Seems like ages since we've seen you guys, must remedy that! Though with B&P arriving, we've rather scuppered our travel prospects!
ReplyDeleteHa! Thanks Mike, litter trays are all present and correct, I can promise you. Other than the paint job, the kitchen is as it was when we moved in, but can't complain!