Monday, 28 January 2013

We're back! I have no excuse for the hiatus.

I can only apologise for the exorbitant amount of time that has passed since my last post. We have moved house (yes, again), and the whole family is well settled. It's very much a 'project' house, so it'll be years before we've got it exactly how we want it, but we're up for the challenge, especially with B&P on hand to help.

They've not been allowed outside here yet, as weather has been inclement to say the least. We've made the fairly momentous decision to let them 'out out' once the weather warms up. Of course, I will worry myself sick on a daily basis, but we can't imprison them indoors indefinitely, just because I'm a pathological worrier.

They love the new house (more stairs!) and once we get them out there, I'm sure they're going to love the garden too - all 100ft of it! Next door have a few cats (including the cutest-kitten-ever called Baby, pic to follow I hope), and a gorgeous Husky, so we'll just have  to see what happens when we let the boys outside. I do not expect that Basil and Parsley will play well with others. Here's hoping they can prove me wrong.

Whilst we humans have been busy packing, unpacking, decorating and working too damn hard, Basil and Parsley have also been keeping themselves very busy indeed. Here's a taster of the plethora of activities they've been involved in over the last few months.

Modelling the latest in feline outdoor wear:

  Assisting us with the move by climbing into all available drawers and cupboards, to confirm they are empty:

Competing for the Least Flattering Pose Award:

(It's a tough call).

...And the Stupidest Expression Award:

This would have gone to Basil, save for Parsley's late entry with 'Lion Face':

What else have they been up to? Well, a spot of office work:

A bit of DJ-ing:

... they're available for birthdays and weddings in the Bishop's Stortford area.

They also moonlight as hoover engineers:

The prognosis is not good:

B&P have dabbled in performance art...

... more modelling...

And lastly, but by no means leastly (if you will)... snuggling and snoozing:

Sometimes they even let me join in...

... but mostly it's a private party: