Sunday, 6 November 2011

Ooh haven't you grown!

Not much of an update today, life has been flying by, and Basil and Parsley seem to be growing every day! They're now almost 9 months old, and still up to copious amounts of mischief. Haven't taken many pictures of late, but here's what I have... Highlights include: playing in the new crinkly tunnel, being food pests in the kitchen, finding new and inventive ways to try and get on to the kitchen counter, and more 90s album cover poses...

Sunday, 9 October 2011

A Delightful Weekend in the Country

Last weekend, Basil and Parsley took their first ever trip outside of London. In fact, aside from the vets, it's their first trip outside our flat since we brought them home aged a tender 13 weeks. As you can imagine, the car journey was Hell On Earth, but once we arrived, the boys absolutely LOVED it.

We took them to my grandparents house in Norfolk, where they had a whale of a time; racing up and down the hall, chasing spiders, exploring every corner etc... Parsley even managed to climb the ladder into the loft. Could he get himself back down? No, of course not. Highlight of their weekend (or so they tell me), was their first trip outside in the garden. It was very exciting for them. They were a bit nervous at first, but were soon bounding around dragging us behind them. And don't they look smart in their little walking jackets?

Walking jackets from Land O'Burns Bengals - excellent job.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

What's for Dinner? Ah.

Howdy folks. Yes, that is Basil and Parsley having a lovely time in our fridge. Our stupid, broken fridge whilst we wait for a part to be ordered from Germany. Boo Hiss etc. Do you think any household appliance has ever malfunctioned and NOT needed a part from another country?! Honestly.

Anyway, it's been inexcusably long since I've posted on here, so here are a few pics to get you up to date. B&P have now been neutered, bless them, and after a couple of grumpy days, they were right as rain. The vets told us it would calm them down as well. Bee. Ess. So they're still mad and boisterous and noisy, and getting bigger all the time, we still love 'em though! Here goes...

Doing their best nineties album cover poses...

Not sure what's going on here. Weirdos.

Until next time!

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Panic on the Streets of London

I'm pleased to report that B&P remained calm throughout the IDIOTIC rioting in our area on Monday night. If it's possible to be upset, angry and ashamed all at the same time, then that is me this week. The kittens took it pretty much in their stride, although the cacophony of helicopters, sirens, yelling and smashing glass did not impress them very much. We are SO moving out of London.

Some shots of the yoofs from our balcony (though if I'm honest, none of them were that young, all old enough to know better at least)...

Basil and Parsley say, yeah whatever. Losers.

Enough of that crap. More excitingly... pigeon spotted:
A few more recent pics for your delectation:

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Fly on the Wall

This is what happens when Basil and Parsley spot a fly...

The noises they make to accompany this are hilarious, will try and post a video soon.

In other news, Parsley's new favourite haunt is the top of the laundry rack. Is it just me or does this pose have something of the convict about it?

Basil's thoughts on hearing about my day at work...

And finally, a random miscellany of other recent pics. The boys are over 5 months old now and I can't believe how fast they're growing, they're sort of losing that 'kitten-ish' look to their faces. Still gorgeous though of course!

Monday, 4 July 2011

Balcony Exploration

My apologies for the lack of new posts recently, not a huge amount going in these parts. Below are some shots of Basil and Parsley's first expedition onto the balcony. They had a lovely time, but can only be allowed out under strict supervision as their own-personal-safety buttons seem to be missing. Fourth floor, busy main road, curious kittens, disaster waiting to happen.

Parsley very upset at being on the wrong side of the window after he ran indoors (he's easily confused)...

A couple of pose-y ones for you... first Parsley...

And Basil...

Not sure what's going on here...

Finally, chillaxing on top of the bookcase (their favourite camping spot). Check out Basil's "don't disturb me" glare - I need to get me one of those!